Click the contact us button below to get booked in while we are in your neighbourhood! We'll get you a quote over the phone based on your lawn size.
If you've ever tried watering concrete, you know that it is so hard, no water, air, or nutrients can get in it. Your lawn can become hard too. Aeration removes a small "core" or "plug" from your lawn reducing soil density and softening your soil which allows water, nutrients, and air to enter into the soil.
In Canada, the frozen snow, ice, and cold temperatures causes the blades of grass to die, leaving only the roots alive. This dead layer of grass suffocates the new growth underneath, stopping it from grow through. As well, the thick dead layer acts as a shield preventing water, nutrients, and air from getting to the new grass. Power raking removes the dead layer which allows water, air and nutrients to get to the new grass. Typically we will remove approximately 1-2 fifty-pound bags of dead grass from the lawn.
Power raking is complimentary with any power raking services. After power raking, the layer of dead grass is sitting on top of the lawn. Power vacuuming sucks up all the dead grass and we haul it away to be composted. On an average lawn we will remove 1-2 fifty-pound bags of dead grass from the lawn.
Sprinkler we service upgrade and install underground sprinkler systems.
We provide Sprinkler Blow-outs to Saskatoon. Warman, Martensville & Area
When Should I have my Sprinklers Blown out?
We begin Fall sprinkler services in last week of September and continue until freeze up. In Saskatoon, October 10th's historical average overnight low temperature is 0ºC. We recommend ensuring that your sprinklers are blown out by this time.